ᕙ༼*◕_◕*༽ᕤ Do not stress about the things that you cannot control in life ᕙ༼*◕_◕*༽ᕤ We have three roles here on earth: to learn, to love, and to live. When we stop learning, we start to stagnate and die. When we stop loving, we lose our sense of purpose and become self-centered. When we limit our living, we deny the world the benefits of our talents. Money and things are fun – they really are – but they cannot sustain our spirits. Money is a means to get through this world, but it cannot add a day to our lives.I quit following people whom I respected as much he thought me so down.Those who are sarfira. He writes history.Smart people only read about them.I also felt scared seeing the distance, but seeing the way I progressed, My destination automatically came closer to me, seeing my courage.